Why Moroccan ingredients strengthen “European cuisine”.

Traditional Moroccan cuisine is on the rise in our country. Because of the richness in taste, wonderful fragrance and colors, because of the healthy products, but especially because of the special experience and preparation methods. It is about time to get acquainted with the wonderful essence of this kitchen.

If I may introduce myself; I grew up in Morocco, completed an SVH chef’s training in the Netherlands, worked with star chefs, have 30 years of purchasing experience and now want to use Moroccan food ingredients to connect cultures.

The Moroccan kitchen is a rich kitchen full of special flavors, colors and intense scents that offers creative chefs a lot to discover. With Sens Maroc I want to connect the European kitchens to the Moroccan and North African flavors. By offering products that a chef can use at his own discretion in his recipes. Such as our Zinda or Sens Maroc couscous in different flavors, and Sens Maroc herbs, sauces and legumes. Our preparations come from Morocco, the best durum wheat we get from Canada and we combine that with European food culture.

Bringing continents together creates new distinctive dishes.

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